Sunday, June 26, 2011

Otome Youkai Zakuro - Splendidly refreshing!

I found someone who has a rather nice blog about the show here.

Okay, I had relatively low expectations of this anime at first since the drawing of the guys isn't exactly my type. But I gave it a try anyway and boy, I didn't regret!

It's about an alternate version of the Meiji era where the Japanese is slowly getting westernized and the military sort of form an alliance with the spirits to tackle spirit issues. So the military sent over three soldiers to be partners with the spirit peeps. The spirit girls, half spirits as they are called had mixed feelings too but they go with it anyway. So there were three teams altogether.

Team 1: Agemaki Kei and Zakuro
Team 2: Riken Y and Susukihotaru
Team 3: Ganryuu Hanakiri and Bonbori and Hozuki(twins)

As expected, each team ends up together but what's cool is the plot. How each team got to know each other and their chemistry. How each side tries to understand the other party. I love the fighting song.

Watasha hanaka, chochoka oni ka - feels like some folk songs.

Good show and a must watch!

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