Wednesday, May 13, 2009

N - addict

Rising Star Oke!

I'm so so so addicted to Nodame Cantabile!!!
The more I watch it, the more I yearn for more!!
I somehow like the Nodame Cantabile Special, maybe because their relationship is somewhat steadier and Chiaki has begun to show some form of affections despite his continuous domineering and arrogant ways. He finally realizes that his life had been better ever since he met Nodame and he even experiences *ahem* jealousy? when he sensed Nodame's coldness on the phone and the peck on her cheek by Franz and the presence of Kuroki kun! The best thing about Chiaki is that his name sounds cool. Shinichi. Ain't this all getting better?

Nodame is cuter and messier than ever with her childish antics and lovable gestures as she toys or plays around with Chiaki, who is half amused and half bemused. Isn't that AMUSING? To me, this is the best pairing so far, my favourite!!! It's rare for me to like the females in any Japanese series, be it anime or drama or movie and I somehow find a deep liking towards Nodame (not in a lesbian way, mind you!). Maybe because we are somewhat similar in certain ways (definitely not the piano!) and I can emphatize with a lot of parts on her side (not so much Chiaki related).

Actually, there are other factors too. That Kikuchi Toru is also a fav of mine cz he's Mukai Osamu!! Hahaha..I know him from Honey and Clover. =)
Kikuchi Toru

Masumi chan (green shirt), Mine(blond hair guy), Kiyora(girl beside Mine) and Sakura

perverted 'Milch Holstein' @ Maestro Stresemann
should be Master Roshi's best buddy!


  1. chiakiiiii!!! =P i'm just flooding your blogs =P

  2. Glad you love Chiaki! Me love Nodame!!! The OOIs just love Nodame Cantabile!!! I know another Ooi too who watches Nodame! Mukyaaaaaaa
